London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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children under five years of age; certain illnesses in
expectant and nursing mothers; and certain infectious
diseases in persons under five years or more. A fee of
1/- per patient is paid for each attendance on a case,
in the first two groups by the Maternity and Child
Welfare Committee, and in the third group by the
Public Health Committee.
This Home Nursing is done by the nurses of the?
Fulham District Nursing Association, 56, Harwood
Road, Fulham, S.W.6, and the most cordial relations
exist between the Maternity and Child Welfare Department
and the Nursing Association. Miss Watson, the
Superintendent of the nurses, co-operates splendidly
with us, and we deeply appreciate the help she gives us.
The number of visits made by the Nurses under the
Council's scheme during 1930 is shown in the Table on
page 54.
Fulham Babies' Hospital.
This Hospital has accommodation for 21 children
under five years of age and is under the control of a
Voluntary Committee who receive a grant of £700 per
annum from the Fulham Borough Council and the
services of their Medical Officer, who is Dr. G. F.
Hardy, Assistant Tuberculosis Officer.
The type of cases admitted are chiefly those suffering
from dietetic errors, malnutrition, wasting, rickets
and anaemia. Acute cases of pneumonia are also
admitted. The special arrangement under which children
who have had minor operations in larger hospitals
may be transferred from those hospitals, has been continued
as in past years.
Dr. Hardy has supplied me with the following
statistics relating to the work of the Hospital during 1930:-