London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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those entitled "Food contamination and How to avoid
it," and "Constipation" will be put into leaflet form
in due course and the existing leaflets will be improved.
Propaganda Against Venereal Diseases
by the British Social Hygiene Council.
The object of this body which is doing excellent
work, is the prevention of Venereal Disease and the
method employed is by education of the general public
regarding the dangers of syphilis and gonorrhoea to men
and women and their offspring, the importance of
acquiring self-control for the prevention of venereal and
other diseases and the duty of parents to educate their
children in sex matters. Many of the dangers to which
young people are subjected could be avoided if parents
were not so self-conscious with their children regarding
sex questions, and if they informed their children of
the basic facts of life before the latter reached the age
of puberty. The Society's leaflets and pamphlets are
of great use to parents in explaining how to give their
children the necessary information and their perusal
may prevent many a disaster. Pamphlets have also
been written for distribution to boys and girls.
The British Social Hygiene Council is supported
by voluntary contributions and grants from Local
Authorities. In the Metropolis the London County
Council are the local authority responsible for the prevention
and treatment of venereal diseases. The Fulham
Borough Council also makes an annual contribution.
Lectures and film displays are arranged at schools,
public libraries and Town Halls and Open Air meetings
are also held. Branches of this Society have been
established all over the Empire and the Fulham Branch
is one of the most active in the country. The list of
lectures, film displays and Open Air meetings given
under the auspices of the Fulham Branch during the
year were as follows :—