London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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The hours of opening of the Conveniences under
the control of the Borough Surveyor are regulated by
the hours of opening and closing of the parks.
The men's urinal at Putney Bridge will eventually
be replaced by a two-storey building on the opposite side
of the road, in conjunction with the widening of the
Bridge. The probable accommodation to be provided
is as follows:—
Men: 4 W.C.s (1 free).
11 urinal stalls.
2 wash basins.
Women: 5 W.C.s (2 free).
3 wash basins.
Refuse Collection and Disposal.
I am obliged to Mr. A. F. Holden, the Fulham
"Borough Engineer and Surveyor, for the following
Refuse Collection. The whole of the horsed transport
on Dust Collection has been superseded by S. D.
Freighters, which have resulted in the collection being
more economically carried out, a minimum of nuisance
in the course of loading and about one half the previous
number of vehicles on the road. These vehicles have
a low loading line of 4 feet, so that the bins can be
tipped into them without the use of ladders and the
conditions are thus easier for the collectors. The
Freighters are also speedier and more mobile in traffic.
In connection with the question of receptacles, a
large number of old ash pits have been done away with
and sanitary bins substituted, and by arrangement with
the ratepayers a considerable number of the bins are
now placed outside their premises on collection days.
Disposal. The Council have erected a new Refuse
Destructor which was opened in 1928 which efficiently
deals with the whole of the house and trade refuse
collected in the borough, and entirely obviates any of
such material being dumped in other districts.