London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1876

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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been during 20 years quite outgrown by the natural development
of the district, and the consequent increase in the amount
and complexity of the various accounts, the matter was
referred to the Finance Committee, with power to call in the
assistance of an Accountant. After numerous meetings and
consultations, the Committee having inspected the methods of
book-keeping adopted at various District Boards and Vestries,
it was resolved to initiate the system now in operation, which
the Board has reason to believe will be found satisfactory.
In making this alteration it was necessary to appoint a person
to keep the books, and the Board selected and appointed
Mr. E. F. Tomkins to the post of Accountant.
At a subsequent period, the question of continuing the payment
of the Surveyor and Clerk to the Board partly by
amounts charged upon the cost of works executed in new
streets—under the provisions of the 105 sec. 18 & 19 Vic. c.
120, and 77 sec. 25 & 26 Vic. c. 102,— and partly by fixed
salary, came under the consideration of the Board ; and after
careful enquiry and discussion, the Board resolved to put an
end to the arrangement made in the year 1864; and that,
after the 25th March, 1877, the Surveyor and Clerk be paid
by salary only—which resolution the Board trust will be found
to have effected a change conducive to the interests of the district
and to the due discharge of this important branch of the
Board's labours.
Cartage, etc.
Some two years ago the Board abandoned the system of letting out
the various works, such as Slopping, Watering, &c., to contract at a
lump sum, and have adopted the plan of contracting for the supply
of Horses with Harness, and Men to drive, at per day,—the Board
finding the Cart, Van, or other vehicle required, believing that by so
doing they obtain a larger amount of work, better done, and at less
cost than under the old contract system.
The Board have now in use 17 of Bailey's Patent Hydrostatic
Water Vans, which are found to be a great improvement upon the
old fashioned carts. The Vans have been purchased at a cost of
£60 each, and the payment spread over a period of three years.
Twelve new Slop-Carts have also been purchased.
Two light Carts have been obtained for the Superintendents of
Works. The Horse formerly in use at Hammersmith being sent to
Fulham, a new one being purchased at a cost of £38, for use in