London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1870

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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Mansion-House Street, Hammersmith, 12-inch Pipe
Sewer, Road made, and Paths paved 363 5 0
Wellington Road, St. Thomas's Road, New Grove Road,
Fulham, the like Works 1991 18 0
In addition to the Jobbing, Paving, and Bricklaying Works, the
Board are now, by means of a staff of men, horses, and carts, doing a
large amount of the Cartage Works required in the District, and they
have to congratulate the Ratepayers on the measure of success that has
attended the experiment.
Printed herewith is a copy of the Annual Report of the Medical
Officer of Health on the Sanitary Condition of the District, to which
the Board refer with pleasure, showing as it does the high position
that the District holds in relation to public health.