London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1859

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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No. of Houses drained permanently.No. of Houses drained temporarily.

The total length of Sewers under the charge of the
Vestry, is
Brick Sewers 15 Miles.
Pipe " 6½ "
Open " 7½ "
Total 28¾ Miles.
The amount expended in these works, inclusive of the
ordinary repairs to Sewers, Gullies, Drains, &c. &c., is
£2035 14s. 8d.
I beg also to report, that a scheme for the permanent
Sewerage of a large portion of the Dulwich College Estate,
has been under my consideration, in conjunction with the
Surveyor of the Estate, Mr. Barry, which plan, when it has
been thoroughly matured, will be laid before the Vestry for
its approval.
It is unnecessary for me to enlarge upon the ordinary matters
of highways, building frontages, new streets, general
improvements, and the many other matters which it has been
my duty from time to time, during the past year, to bring
before you. The Vestry records bear ample testimony to