London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1884

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green]

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The whole of the cowsheds in the district have been frequently
visited. I am pleased to say that in most instances they have been
kept in a fairly good condition.
The total number of premises licensed was thirty-nine. These
contained 332 cows against 361 last year. Six of the cowsheds were
empty : no new licence was applied for.
The usual notices were served, and most of my requirements had
been carried out before the meeting of the Justices on October 20th.
With the two following exceptions all the licences were renewed
without any opposition on our part:—
Evan Jenkins, 32, Edward street.
John Pritchard, 95, Collingwood street.
These licences were adjourned for some structural alterations to be
carried out in the sheds, but as all the work had been satisfactorily
completed before November 24th, the date of the next meeting, our
opposition was withdrawn, and the licences were granted.
The following is a complete list.
Bogos, Susannah 28, Fellbrigg street.
Bunn, John 2, Lisbon street.
Champness, Felix 65, Roman road.
Champness, Felix and Horace 5, Gloucester street.
Clarry, J. W 56, Coventry street.
Davis, Thomas 100, Sclater street
Evans, John 42, Cheshire street.
Griffiths, Humphrey 6, Warley street.
Griffiths, Maria 23, Temple street.
Harrington, Thomas 12, Gibraltar walk.
Havard, Howell 47, Columbia road.
Havard, Howell 104, Gibraltar walk.
Hodges, W. M. 34b, Green street.
James, W. T. 21, The Oval.
James, Thomas 25, Pritchard's road.
Jenkins, Evan 32, Edward street.
Jenkins, W. 5a, Mount street.
Jones, David 45, Glo'ster street.
Jones, Bros 3, Seabright street.
Jones, Evan Penelope House, Hamilton road.
Jones, Thomas 5, Virginia road.
Jones, Daniel 216, Columbia road.
Lockyer, J. H. 34, Minerva street.
Mason, Richard 3, Hassard street.
Morris, Joseph, 8, James street, Hackney road.
Moss, Mary 3, Buckhurst street.