London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1972

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hackney]

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The occupier of every factory or contractor employed by any such
occupier in the business of the factory is required to submit to the local
authority during February and August in each year, a list showing all the
outworkers employed by him during the previous six months.
The current list showed 60 Hackney firms as having employed 690 outworkers
of whom 204 worked in Hackney:-
Nature of Work
No. of outworkers
in August list
Wearing apparel
Feather sorting
Making of boxes
Brush making
Carding of buttons
Artificial flowers
Toy making
There were no instances of an employer failing to send a list nor of
work being done in unwholesome premises.
If an outworker appearing on this list works from premises situated in
another area, the local authority concerned is informed by the authority
receiving the list from the factory. In this way it is possible to ascertain
how many residents in Hackney are doing outwork.
Lists received from other local authorities show 311 Hackney outworkers
employed bp firms outside the Borough. The type of home work carried out by
outworkers is listed below:-
Wearing Apparel 451
Making of Boxes 14
Brush Makers 3
Curtains & Furniture Hangings 1
Household Linen 13
Artificial Flowers 3
Umbrella Making 2
Carding of Buttons 17
Iron and Steel Chain 3
Feather Sorting 1
Toy Making 7
Total: 515