London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Port of London]

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At the request of those in charge of the Royal Naval Store, West India Dock, the
disinfection of a quantity of bedding returned from use into store, was undertaken as a
precautionary measure.
The transport of the material to Gravesend was undertaken by the Royal Naval
Authorities, and the disinfection was satisfactorily carried out in the apparatus at
Denton Hospital under the personal supervision of your Deputy Medical Officer.
Only two cases of Cholera were reported to have occurred on incoming ships.
Both of these were from India and were landed at Colombo.
No case of Yellow Fever or Plague was reported during the year.
Cholera has been prevalent in Europe during the past year, especially Austria and
Hungary, where many thousands of deaths have occurred from this cause.
It would appear also that Germany has suffered from an outbreak attributed, by
report, to infection from Russian prisoners of War.
In some quarters it was, not perhaps unnaturally, feared that the presence of Indian
troops in Europe might provoke an outbreak, but nothing of the kind occurred during
With reference to Plague, the occurrence of this disease during the year in
Mesopotamia, Syria, Asia Minor, and in Egypt, will engage due attention.

TABLE VII. (C holera.)

Date.Name of Vessel. Port of Registry and Official No.Where from.No. of Cases.How dealt with.
1915.s.s. "Tactician," of Liverpool, 113,398.Calcutta1Landed at Colombo.
Dec. 17
„ 29s.s. "Knowsley Hall," of Liverpool, 118,058.Ditto1Ditto.

The s.s. "Tactician" of Liverpool, 113,398, arrived at Gravesend on the 17th
December, and reported having landed a case of Cholera at Colombo on the 16th
November. Disinfection was carried out at Colombo, and the water tanks were pumped
out and cleaned. No further suspicious case occurred, and all on board were well on
The s.s. "Knowsley Hall," of Liverpool, 118,058, arrived on the 22nd December,
and reported having landed a case suspicious of Cholera at Colombo on the 17th
November. The patient, a Serang, was taken ill on the 16th November with
diarrhasa, no vomiting or cramps.
The vessel and water tanks were disinfected at Colombo, and no other case of
illness has occurred.
All wTere well on arrival at Gravesend.
The facts were reported to the Local Government Board in each case.