London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Strand (Westminster) 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Strand]

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The subjoined numbers have also to be taken Into account in judging of the above records of mortality.

Deaths occurring outside the district among persons belonging thereto19912145910158Under 572---------12--311026
5 upwds22---1--1--36358681173
Deaths occurring within the district among persons not belonging there to2601720122916220Under 5-21-2-111131637
5 upwds-----7--------2-1719351812223

Local, Government. Board. Form B.TABLE II.

Table of POPULATION, BIRTHS, AND OF NEW CASES OF INFECTIOUS SICKNESS, coming to the knowledge of the Medical Officer of Health, during the year 1895, in the Metropolitan Sanitary District of STRAND, classified according to Diseases, Ages, and Localities.

Names of Localities adopted for the purpose of these Statistics; Public Institutions being shown as separate localities.Population at all Ages.Registered Births.Aged under 5 or over 5.New Cases of Sickness in each Locality, coming to the knowledge of the Medical Officer of HealthNumber of such cases removed from their homes in the several Localities for Treatment in Isolation Hospital
Census 1891.Estimated to middle of 1895.12345B7810111234567891011
SmallpoxScarlatina.Diphtheria.Membranous Croup.Fevers.Cholera.Erysipelas.TOTALS.Smallpox.Scarlatina.Diphtheria.Membranous CroupFeversCholeraErysipelas.TOTALS.
j Typhus.Enteric or Typhoid.Continued.Relapsing.PuerperalTyphus.Enteric or TyphoidContinued.Relapsing.Puerperal.
SUB - DISTRICTS-125,82424,800Under 5-248--133-164-20
St. Anne, Soho3105 upwds3481391083313596255
Strand257Under 5-951158513
5 upwds233101536522959247
Westminster Workhouse, Poland Street14Under 5
5 upwdS
Strand Union Workhouse, EdmontonUnder 5--
65 upwds
Do. do. Casual Wards, Bear YardUnder 5
455 upwds--
King's College HospitalUnder 5---
5 upwds1111
St. Peter's HospitalUnder 5---
5 upwds1111
TOTALS25,82424,800632Under 5-3313-------248-249-------33
5 upwds58323241515056614154104