London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beddington and Wallington 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beddington and Wallington]

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Health Visiting. Four health visitors are employed by the Surrey
County Council for the supervision of infants up to 5 years of age and
expectant and nursing mothers, both at home and at the infant welfare
and ante-natal clinics. These health visitors are also responsible for the
supervision of children attending schools in the Borough.

Visits during the year were made as follows:

First visitsTotal visits
Expectant Mothers202384
Children, 0-1 year4522,201
Children, 1-5 years3,036
Other Cases138

Child Life Protection. This function is now governed by the Children
Act, 1948, which came into operation on the 5th July, 1948. A Children's
Officer is appointed by the Surrey County Council to supervise all children
coming within the provisions of the Act. The health visitors, however,
visit on behalf of the Children's Officer deprived children under 5 years
of age and certain other children in registered residential establishments.
Care of Premature Infants. The arrangements made for the care of
premature infants continued during 1962. Equipment is kept at the
District Nurses' Home, the headquarters of the local Midwives, where
it is ready for immediate use when required. Thirty-one premature live
births were notified during the year, 29 of which occurred in hospital.
Two infants died within 24 hours of birth. The remaining 29 children
Care of Illegitimate Children. The Surrey County Council make an
annual grant to the Sutton and District Girls' Aid Association, whose
visitor follows up cases occurring in the Borough. A grant is also made
to homes for mothers and babies in Surrey where the unmarried mother
can be admitted before the birth of her child, and cared for some months
after birth.
Ladies of the Women's Voluntary Services and the health visitors
continue to co-operate in the alleviation of the lot of these unfortunate