London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Whitechapel 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Whitechapel]

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hooping-cough, 21 of diarrhoea, 30 of febricula, and 5 of erysipelas. In
the corresponding Quarter of the previous year the number of pauper
cases of illness was 7G0; including 13 of small-pox, 5 of measles, 1
of scarlatina, 5 of hooping-cough, 13 of diarrhcea, 26 of febricula, 1
of fever, and 4 of erysipelas. The total number of cases of illness
in the Workhouse has been 997; including 2 of small-pox, 4 of
measles, 3 of hooping-cough, 12 of diarrhoea, including 1 of cholera
or choleraic-diarrhoea, 4 of erysipelas, and 7 of febricula. In addition
to the above cases, there were 28 of syphilis and gonorrhoea; thus
making a total of 1025.
Uncertified Deaths.
Two uncertified deaths are recorded during the Quarter; 1 in
the Spitalfields sub-District, and 1 in the Whitechapel Church subDistrict.
Meteorology of Greenwich.
The Returns of the Registrar-General show that the rain-fall
in the Metropolis during the Quarter has been 4.10 inches. One inch
deep of rain-fall on an acre weighs (allowing 10-lbs to a gallon, which
is the weight of a gallon of distilled water) nearly 101 tons. During
the corresponding Quarter of last year the rain-fall was 5,53 inches.
The average annual rain-fall at Greenwich in 63 years wa3 25.4
inches. The mean temperature of the air was 53°5. In the corresponding
Quarter of last year it was 52°7. The hottest days during
the Quarter were Wednesday, the 1st June, Saturday, the 4th June,
and Friday, the 1st July, when the thermometer indicated respectively
81°1, 83°9, and 82°6. The hottest day during the corresponding
Quarter of the previous year was on the 30th June, when the
thermometer indicated 87°5.
The deaths from diphtheria in London during the Quarter were
143, none of which are recorded as having occurred in the Whitechapel
The following Table, taken from the Returns of the Registrar
General, shows the comparative result of the Quarter*