London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton]

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a total of 86 visits. The aim of this service is mainly to relieve relatives
from night nursing duties to enable them to get sufficient sleep
and rest in order to continue the often strenuous task of looking after
a really sick patient, particularly when it is desired that the patient
shall remain at home until the end.
The Authority also operates the Foundation's Area Welfare Grant
Scheme under which extra comforts may be supplied to a cancer
patient at the expense of the Marie Curie Foundation.
Incontinence Pads and Appliances
Pads and appliances are supplied to patients free of charge at
the request of either the home nurse in attendance, the patient, the
general practitioner or the health visitor. With the increase in the
number of elderly and handicapped persons being cared for at home
the demands continue to rise.
Incontinent Laundry Service
In conjunctiion with a neighbouring Authority a collection and
delivery service of draw sheets is arranged, twice weekly, to patients
where the home nurse advises this. It is a growing and much appreciated