London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton]

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During 1971, the system introduced from 1st August, 1970,
whereby all new staff are required to complete a medical questionnaire,
was continued. The replies assist in deciding whether a medical
examination is necessary.
From 1st January, 1971, to 31st December, 1971, 1,121 questionnaires
were received and 314 medical examinations were subsequently
conducted, 807 staff being accepted following completion and
scrutiny of the questionnaire only. The quicker medical clearance of
newly appointed staff is being achieved as intended.
There were 259 medical examinations of teachers and teacher
trainees and, in all, 598 staff medical examinations were conducted
compared with 980 in 1970 (all staff were medically examined 1st
January, 1970-31st July, 1970).
In 13 cases the examinees were found unfit either to commence
or return to work and 25 examinations concerned staff absent from
duty owing to sickness, to determine their fitness or otherwise to
A total of 1,405 staff were dealt with, compared with 1,302 in
The Medical Officer of Health and his Deputy, are authorised by
the Council to act under Section 47 of the National Assistance Act,
1948, or, in conjunction with a general practitioner under Section 1
of the National Assistance (Amendment) Act, 1951, in connection with
the removal to hospital or other suitable accommodation of persons
suffering from grave chronic disease, or persons who are aged and
infirm and living in insanitary conditions, and who are not receiving
proper care and attention.
No cases were dealt with during the year.