London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton]

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visits that did not require their expertise (8,780 in 1969). These figures
show again the greater demands on the service by an increasing
number of elderly people in the Borough who are unable to give
adequate care to themselves.
Training of District Nurses
This Authority continues to be an approved training area for the
practical part of the district nurse training leading to the National
Certificate of District Nurse Training. Four state registered nurses
and one enrolled nurse successfully completed their training. Four
of these nurses are still employed by this Authority, and the other is
now working overseas.
Visiting Hospital Staff
Nurses from many hospitals, undertaking a period of nurse training
have visited the Department on 132 days during the year, in order
to observe the operation of the community services. This is a very
important function and one in which all members of staff willingly
General Practitioner Attachments
Eleven district nurses are now working with groups of general
practitioners and plans for increasing this number are well advanced.
General practitioners, nurses and patients appreciate this closer working
relationship. The work of nurses in attachment schemes has
continued to increase in the number and variety of cases referred.
They include many patients who would previously have required
hospital care.
Post-Registration Courses for District Nurses
During the year the Deputy Superintendent of the Home Nursing
Service attended the first part of a First Line Management Course
(two weeks). One Senior nurse attended a course in Practical Work
Instruction for Senior nurses, one male nurse attended a course of
13 days in Community Psychiatric Nursing, six nurses attended a
Practical Work Instructors' Course of five days, three nurses attended
a refresher course each of five days and eight other courses of one day
were attended by a total of 15 staff.