London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1943

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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The Order is now jointly administered by Local Authorities
and the Ministry of Food Rodent Control Dept., and your
Officers are subject to directions from the Ministry whose
Officers from time to time visit the area and offer advice and
suggestions as to procedure.
A total of 1,520 inspections were made during 1943 and
infestations were dealt with at 233 premises.
Shops Acts, 1912-1936. The following statement summarises
the inspections made, the infringements discovered and other
matters dealt with during the year:—
No. of Inspections:—Day Visits 157
Evening visits —
1. Evening closing hours —
2. Half-day closing 2
3. Hours of employment for young persons —
4. Seats not provided for females —
5. Prescribed notices not correct or exhibited 21
6. Sanitary arrangements unsatisfactory —
7. Reasonable temperature not maintained —
Summary of Sanitary Inspections.
Housing—primary visits 368
Re-inspections—work in progress 1,405
Re Overcrowding 73
Miscellaneous, housing 288
Drainage work 1,215
Factories and Workshops 391
Stables and Piggeries 59
Rats and Mice Destruction 1,520
Enquiries, infectious diseases, contacts, infectious
diseases 383
Visits to schools 6
Re Disinfections 346
Smoke Abatement 85
Food shops, etc. 1,021
Milk Supply 69
Rivers and Streams, pollutions 119
Complaints investigated 330
Miscellaneous 663
I am, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Chief Sanitary Inspector.
September, 1944.