London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1943

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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of service. When this service has been rendered in London
these chevrons assume added significance. Among that great
number of citizens who have given their service to the Council
none would be more deserving of chevrons than our voluntary
helpers who have given their time and energy during arduous
and exacting times, week in week out for many years.
Child Life Protection. The Health Visitors are appointed
Inspectors under the Child Life Protection provisions of the
Public Health Act, 1936.
Strict control is exercised over foster homes and particular
attention is paid to the welfare of foster children. The
following are the main facts relating to the administration of
these provisions during the year under review.
Registered homes under supervision during the year 23
Registered homes under supervision at end of year 10
New homes registered during the year 12
Children on the register at the end of the year 14
Children brought on to the register during the year 25
Children removed out of the district 16
Visits paid to nurse children 159
Children died during the year nil
Legal Proceedings nil