London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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(b) Maternity Services—
Number of patients admitted from all
districts during the year—
(1) General Wards 263
(2) Private Wards 112
Total 375
Number of patients admitted from Merton
and Morden—
(1) General Wards163
(2) Private Wards 67
The extensions to the Orthopædic and X-Ray Departments
referred to in my report for last year have now been completed.
2. The County and Public Assistance Hospitals.
Under existing arrangements, patients from this district
receiving treatment in County Hospitals are admitted, in most
instances, to the Kingston County Hospital at Wolverton
Tuberculosis:—The County Sanatorium, Milford—300
The Surrey County Council is responsible for the AntiTuberculosis
Scheme in the district. The County Sanatorium
at Milford constitutes the main institutional provision and 35
persons were admitted from Merton and Morden during the
year, whilst 100 other patients received treatment in other
Institutions under the Scheme.