London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Merton and Morden 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Merton & Morden]

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Acreage 6
Ambulance Facilities 24-25, 52
Acute Poliomyelitis 68
Births 9, 12
In each Ward 13
In hospitals or maternity homes 13
Rates 9, 13-14
Bed Bugs—Eradication of 46
Camping Sites 54
Cancer 9
Deaths from 16-17
Rate 9, 17
Cemeteries 54
Cerebro-Spinal Fever 68
Child Life Protection 42
Clinics and Treatment Centres 25-26
Climatic Conditions 8
Closet Accommodation 44
Deaths 9, 14
Causes of 16-17
Classified causes—by age and sex 19
In each Ward 15
In public institutions 15
Rates 9, 14-15
Diphtheria 63
Antitoxin used 65
Immunisation 65
Clinics, times and places 25
Children Immunised in Schools 67
Persons Immunised at Clinics 66
Persons Immunised by Private Practitioners 66
Incidence and fatality for 20 years 68
Incidence by age groups 65
Incidence in each Ward with rates 63
Monthly distribution of cases 64
Multiple cases in domestic dwellings 64
Swabs examined 23
Disinfection 46
Disinfestation 46, 54
Drainage and Sewerage 44
Drainage work 46
Dysentery 60
Enteric Fever 60
Erysipelas 69