London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Carshalton 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Carshalton]

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Of the 146 overcrowded houses with more than one family, the
additional family or families were known to be related to the occupier
in no fewer than 109, chiefly married sons and daughters.
Tents, Vans, Sheds and Similar Structures.
No action.
Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act, 1933.
No applications were received during the year.
Cellar Dwellings.
No action.
Factories and Workplaces.
There were 105 factories on the Register, 65 of them using mechanical
power. Employees numbered 1,616 of whom 820 were males and
796 females.
Informal action was necessary with regard to two of the factories.