London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Under five 528
Five—15 89
Over 15
Total 617
The following figures show the percentage of the child population
considered immunised at 31st December, 1944: —
Under five 48 04%
Five—15 68.80%
The number of birthday greetings sent in 1944 was 705.
Two hundred and fifty-five mothers took advantage of this offer.
' Typhoid Fever
No cases were notified during the year.
Diarrhcea and Enteritis Under Two Years op Age
Three deaths were registered during the year.
Encephalitis Lethargica
No case was notified during the year.
Thirteen cases were notified. Five cases were removed to
Puerperal Pyrexia
Five cases were notified during the year.
Thirty-seven cases of primary pneumonia were notified during
the year. The number of deaths from all forms of pneumonia,
some of which are not notifiable, was 27, of which 12 were males
and 15 females.
Cerebro-Spinal Fever
Three cases occurred during 1944, and there was one death.
During the year two deaths from influenza were recorded,
both of which were males. The previous year nine deaths were