London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1942

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Twenty-five cases of impetigo occurred in school-children
during the year.
Sixteen cases of rubella were notified among school-children.
Five cases of ringworm were notified among school-children.
Two cases were notified among school-children.
Infective Jaundice
Two cases were notified among school-children.
Seven cases were notified. Five cases were removed to
hospital. No deaths from this disease were registered.
Puerperal Pyrexia
Six cases were notified during the year.
Twenty cases of primary pneumonia were notified during
the year. The number of deaths from all forms of pneumonia,
some of which are not notifiable, was 27, of which 16 were males
and 11 females.
Cerebro Spinai. Fever
Six cases occurred during 1942, and there were no deaths.
During the year three deaths from influenza were recorded.
Two were males and one female. The previous year thirteen
deaths were registered.