London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1942

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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At the end of the year there were 716 infants under one year
and 1,426 children between one and five years of age attending
the centres, making a total of 2,142.
The average attendance at each individual centre was:Park
Road 73.2
Church Road 75.5
Sherwood Park 83.8
St. Barnabas 84.6
The percentage of infants under one year of age attending
the centres for the first time was 85.4 per cent. of the total
number of live births.
General Remarks
The nutrition, clothing and cleanliness of the children continued
to be of a high standard, and the children attended the
centres very regularly.
Sunlight Treatment
Arrangements have been made with the Wilson Hospital for
giving sunlight treatment. No patients were sent during the year.
Orthopaedic Clinic
Arrangements have been made with the Wilson Hospital,
Mitcham, for children in need of orthopaedic treatment to attend
the orthopaedic clinic of this hospital. During the year 58 cases
were referred to this clinic, as compared with 24 cases in 1941.
Dental Treatment
Dental treatment is available to children under five years
of age and to expectant and nursing mothers. Patients are
referred from the infant welfare, ante-natal and post-natal clinics
to the British Dental Hospital, Tooting. Attendances for treatment
were as follows:-
Expectant mothers, 15; nursing mothers, 1; children
under five, 4.