London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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National Conference on Maternity and Child Welfare
In July, Mrs. Wray and I attended the National Conference
for Maternity and Child Welfare at Bristol. We both found the
conference extremely helpful, and my full report on this will be
found in the minutes of the Maternity and Child Welfare Committee
for September, 1938.
In conclusion I should like to thank Mr. J. V. O'Sullivan for
the interest he has taken in the cases referred to him from the
ante-natal and post-natal clinics, and Mrs. E. S. Wray, Superintendent
Health Visitor, and Miss G. M. Evans, Matron of Woodlands
Maternity Home, for their unfailing loyalty and co-operation.
I tender my thanks also to the health visitors and nursing
staff of Woodlands, and to all the voluntary workers at the infant
welfare centres for their assistance.
Assistant Medical Officer.