London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mitcham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Mitcham]

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Remarks on Pathological Conditions.
142 patients were found to be suffering from dental disease.
These were either referred to their own dentist or to the dental
clinic, and it may be noted that an increasing number of expectant
mothers show willingness to have their teeth put in order before
confinement, in many cases having had this done before their first
visit to the ante-natal clinic for examination.
Malpresentations were found in 17 cases. Of these 11 were
corrected at the clinics, while 6 were referred to hospital for version
under anæsthesia.
There were 35 cases of albuminuria of pregnancy and 5 cases
of toxæmia of pregnancy. These 5 cases were so severe that
arrangements were made for their immediate admission to hospital.
No cases died, and none of them developed eclampsia.
One case of ovarian fibroma was treated by Cæsarian section
at term with removal of the tumour. Both mother and baby did
Arrangements have been made at the Wilson Hospital for
X-Ray of patients where necessary, and 18 cases had an X-Ray
during the year, 17 of these being expectant mothers.
There was 1 case of threatened miscarriage, and 5 cases of
ante-partum hæmorrhage. Two of these were admitted to hospital,
while 4 were attended by their own doctors.
Pathological Conditions.
Number of cases. remarks.
Complications of pregnancy—
Albuminuria of pregnancy 35
Threatened miscarrage 1 Referred to own doctor for
Ante-partum 5 Two admitted to Guy's
Hospital. Three attended
by their own doctors.
Malpresentations 17 Eleven corrected at centres.
Five referred to Guy's
Hospital and one to
Epsom Hospital for version
under anæsthesia.