London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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the tests prescribed in the regulations.
24 premises were registered for the use of filling materials.
Pet Animals Act, 1951
At the 31st December, 1952, 13 premises were licensed as Pet
Shops in accordance with the Pet Animals Act, 1951. Regular
visits are made to the premises by the district sanitary inspectors
to ensure that the requirements of the Act and the licensing
conditions are complied with.
Public Health Laboratory Service
The Public Health Laboratory Service provides a comprehensive
service for the bacteriological examination of specimens submitted
by general practitioners and local authorities.
The existing system for the supply of containers and the
delivery of specimens by the Public Health Department remains
unchanged- Specimens may be sent to the Public Health Department
and providing they reach there not later than 3.0 p.m on Monday
to Friday and 11.0 am on Saturday, they will be sent on the same
day by special messenger to the Hornsey branch laboratory. As it
is not possible to send a second messenger on any one day, it is
essential that specimens be delivered to the Town Hall before the
times stated. Alternatively, specimens may be sent direct to the
Hornsey laboratory, which remains open until 5.0 p.m. on Monday to
Friday and 12 noon on Saturday.The address is:-
Public Health Laboratory,
Coppett's Wood Hospital,
Coppett's Road,
A 24-hour emergency service is maintained by the Central
Laboratory at Colindale.
The following is a summary of the work carried out during
1952, namely:-