London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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London area (which includes Tottenham) must be specially designated
milk, that is, "sterilised", "pasteurised", "tuberculin
tested" or "accredited" milk.
Every milk dealer known to the Department holds a licence
under the Milk (Special Designation) Regulations, and the following
is a summary of the licences issued for 1952, namely:-
Milk (Special Designation) (Pasteurised and Sterilised
Milk) Regulations, 1949
Dealers' Licences - "Pasteurised" 65
Dealers' Licences - "Sterilised" 145
Dealers' Supplementary Licences - "Pasteurised" 14
Dealers' Supplementary Licences - "Sterilised" 16
Milk (Special Designation) (Raw Milk) Regulations, 1949
Dealers' Licences - "Tuberculin Tested" 34
Dealers' Licences - "Accredited" 3
Dealers' Supplementary Licences - "Tuberculin Tested" 14
Dealers' Supplementary Licences - "Accredited" 1
During the year 22 applications for registration as milk distributors
were dealt with. No applications were received in
respect of dairies. Of the 22 new registrations 18 were for new
premises and the other 4 were in respect of the change of proprietorship
of previously registered premises. The sale of milk
from 3 premises was discontinued during the year.
The number of premises and distributors registered at 31st
December, 1952, was as follows:-
Number of Distributors registered . 153
Number of Dairies registered 11
The Middlesex County Council is the licensing authority for
premises at which milk is processed.
Ice Cream
More and more ice cream is now being sold as a pre-packed
article. During recent months two large manufacturers have
ceased production altogether. One other manufacturer devotes
almost the whole of his plant to the production of ice lollies.
The following ice cream premises were registered in accordance
with Section 14 of the Food and Drugs Act, 1938, during