London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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The actual arrangements in connection with medical inspection are
identical with those adopted at elementary schools.
During 1937 there were inspected 664 boys and 460 girls.
Special examinations of selected scholars are carried out by the
medical officers at the request of the Head Teachers.
The work of medical inspection in the secondary schools has, in some
instances, been carried out under conditions not conducive to accuracy
of diagnosis, owing to lack of accommodation suitable for the performance
of medical examinations.
An annual dental inspection is made of all pupils in attendance at
secondary schools.
II.—Following-up and Medical Treatment:—
Following-up is undertaken by the Head Teachers, who submit
reports to the School Medical Officer.
Ophthalmic and dental treatment are given at the school clinics on
the production of a receipt from the Head Teacher, who collects from
the scholars the payments in respect of such treatment.
In all other instances scholars found to have defects are referred to
their family medical advisers or to hospitals.
On pages 43-44 will be found a record of the treatment given.
Minor Ailments and Dental Clinics.
Voluntary contribution boxes are placed in conspicuous positions
in the Clinics, and parents are asked to contribute as liberally as their
means allow.