London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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Bacteriological Examinations.
The results of examination of throat and nose swabs for diphtheria
will be found in the Health section of the report.
Review of the arrangements made for the provision of facilities for
open-air education and of the results obtained.
(a) Open-air classrooms in public elementary schools.
(b) School journeys and school camps.
(c) Physical training.
I am indebted to the Director of Education for the following information
under the above headings:—
(а) Open-Air Classrooms.
The Open-Air Classes which have been conducted for several years,
for boys, at Orchard House (all the year round), and for girls at the
Bandstand in Downhills Park (May to October), have been continued
with the usual good results. For further details concerning these two
classes, see pages 33 and 34.
(b) School Journeys and Camps.
For the year 1936, expenditure on School Journeys, not exceeding
£300, was agreed to by the Education Committee and approved by the
Board of Education.
Seven schools organised Journeys, and, in addition, 40 children were
sent for a fortnight to the Hostel of the Shaftesbury Society at Whitstable,
on a free maintenance basis.