London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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(11) Tuberculous Joints 1
(12) Other Bone Diseases—Non-Tuberculous—
Epiphysitis of Spine 2
(13) Other Conditions 4
Total 116
Number of individual children dealt with during 1936 206
During 1936 the total number of attendances at the Orthopædic
Clinic for treatment was 3,194.
Treatment sessions are held as follows:—
Bruce Castle.— Tuesday afternoon, Thursday morning and
Vale Road School.— Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon.
Review of the action taken to detect and prevent the spread of
infectious diseases:—
The measures employed for the detection and prevention of the spread
of infectious diseases have not varied for many years. The Report for
1935 sets out generally these measures.
In respect of the following schools and for the periods stated,
certificates for depleted attendances on account of the prevalence of
infectious diseases were granted.
Woodlands Park Infants' School 5 weeks
Crowland Road „ „ 5 „
Holy Trinity „ „ 3 „
Lancasterian „ „ 2 „
Stamford Hill „ „ 1 week
Bruce Grove „ „ 1 „