London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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A record of the work done at the Minor Ailments Clinics during 1936
will be found tabulated in Table IV, page 47.
For many years Bruce Castle has been the main centre of the School
Medical Department. It has been the aim of the Council to appropriate
the Castle to other purposes, and premises were sought for, more appropriate
to the needs and importance of the department.
The Council's scheme to provide a building for the School Medical
Services and the Maternity and Child Welfare Centres is likely to
mature during 1937.
Visual Defects and External Eye Diseases.—At the Eye Clinic at
Bruce Castle sessions are held on Wednesday mornings and afternoons.
Children are treated there for errors of refraction and other eye defects
not dealt with at the Minor Ailments Clinics. Certain cases of inveterate
external eye complaints are sent to Institutions, in particular the White
Oak Institution, Swanley. Myopic children attend the Wood Green
Special School and children blind within the meaning of the Education
Act are placed in suitable Institutions.
Nose and Throat Defects are treated principally at the Prince of
Wales's Hospital and the North Middlesex Hospital. See Table IV,
Group III, page 48.
In cases of dulness of hearing associated with adenoid conditions,
treatment is given at the Ear Clinic.
Dental Defects.—The Committee employ two whole-time dentists at
Clinics, one at Bruce Castle and another at the Chestnuts. The work
accomplished by them is summarised in tabular form on page 49,
Table V.
Ear Diseases and Hearing.—
/ am indebted to Dr. Friel for the following statement:—
The success of this clinic has been due in large measure to the
co-operation of the mothers.