London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Tottenham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Tottenham]

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Special directions have been issued to the Head Teachers respecting
the attendance of school children at each of the above-mentioned Clinics.
No change has been made in the arrangements for treatment of
defects in school children during the past two or three years. They work
satisfactorily. The proximity of the Prince of Wales's Hospital, the
North Middlesex County Hospital and the great general and special
hospitals in London makes it possible for every defect to receive appropriate
treatment conveniently.
Institutional treatment is provided at your Committee's Open-Air
School, Hayling Island, and at various hospitals and institutions for
special purposes. A list of these is appended (page 25), with the numbers
who have been admitted to residence in each, during the year 1934.
To Dr. Davies, the Tuberculosis Officer, and to the physicians and
surgeons of the Institutions enumerated, your Committee is greatly
indebted for their kindly help, always willingly given.