London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Nature of Disability of New Cases Registered as Partially-Sighted during the Year.

Cause of DisabilityTotalNo Treatment RecommendedRecommended for
Optical TreatmentMedical TreatmentEducational & Optical Treatment
Cataract (both eyes)6312-
Glaucoma (both eyes)11---
Cataract (one eye) and Glaucoma (one eye)-----
Cataract (one eye) and other cause (one eye )33---
Glaucoma (one eye) and other cause (one eye )-----
Other and unknown causes761--

These tables give some idea of the magnitude and complexity of the problem of blindness.
There has been a quickening of interest in both the medical and sociological needs of the
blind in recent years, particularly since the publication in 1953 of Professor Sorsby's report
on The Causes of Blindness in England. This report embodied the results of an extensive analysis
of blind certificates throughout the country and perhaps the most striking conclusion was the
large amount of preventable or remediable blindness which is still being found, particularly
in old people. The Council's welfare services for the blind have already reached a high state
of development: it remains for consideration whether further improvements in the medical or
medico-social care of these people can now be brought about.
Epilepsy and Cerebral Palsy.
A. Epilepsy.
1. Children.
The arrangements whereby all children between the ages of 2 years and l6 years found
to be suffering from epilepsy are referred to the School Health Service for examination
and any necessary action remained unchanged. When the need for special educational
treatment arises, arrangements are made for the child's admission to either a special day
or residential school If the recommendations cannot be met in the ordinary day school. One
such case was dealt with during the year. The number of children known to be suffering from
the defect and their placing is as follows:-
1. In attendance at ordinary schools. 50
2. in attendance at day special schools 2
3. In attendance at residential special schools 2
Total: 54.