London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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2. Particulars of cases reported during 1954

(a) Cases at 31st December ascertained to be defectives "subject to be dealt with" Action taken on reports by:-Under age 16Aged 16 and overTotal
(l) Local Education Authorities on children
(1) While at school or liable to attend school34--7
(2) On leaving special schools--268
(3) On leaving ordinary schools-----
(ii) Police or by Courts--3-3
(iii) Other sources21227
(b) Cases reported but not regarded at 31st December 1954 as defectives "subject to be dealt with"--1-_1
(c) Cases reported but not confirmed as defectives by 31st December--123
Total number reported5591029
3.Number of mental defectives who were In hospitals under Community care (including voluntary supervision) or in "places of safety" on 1st January 1954 who have ceased to be under these forms of care during 1954.
(a) Ceased to be under care36
(b) Died, removed from area, or lost sight of61319
4.Of the total number of defectives under Supervision or Guardianship
(a) Number who have given birth to children while unmarried during 1954---_
(b) Number who have married during 1954-22