London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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Corrected diagnosis:—36 cases, notified as scarlet fever,
proved to be wrongly diagnosed, and were found on admission to
be suffering from the following complaints Dermatitis 3 ; Tonsillitis
4; Urticaria 3; Measles 5; Diphtheria 2; Impetigo 1; No
disease 6; Pneumonia 2; Septic rash 1; Toxic rash 4; Drug rash
1; Quinsy 1 ; Adenitis 2; Bronchitis 1.
In 39 of the cases discharged the disease was complicated by
the presence of other infections as follows:—
Scarlet Fever with Nasal Diphtheria 9 cases
„ ,, ,, Faucial Diphtheria 4 ,,
„ ,, ,, Chickenpox 17 ,,
„ ,, ,, Whooping Cough 6 ,,
„ ,, ,, Mumps 3 ,,
Complications:—Of the 535 cases discharged during the
year, 173, or 32.33 per cent., suffered from complications as follows:—
35 cases or 6.54
per cent.
38 „
,, 7.10
,, ,,
12 „
,, 2.24
,, ,,
Cardiac affections
10 ,,
,, 1.86
,, ,,
6 ,,
„ 1.12
,, ,,
37 ,,
„ 6.91
,, ,,
22 ,,
„ 4.11
,, ,,
11 ,,
,, 2.56
,, ,,
2 ,,
,, 0.37
,, ,,
Fatality rate:— 4 deaths occurred among the 540 cases
admitted during the year, giving a fatality rate of .74. Of
the fatal cases, 2 were girls aged 9 and 10 years respectively, who
died from septic meningitis following otitis media. The third
was an infant aged 11 months who was suffering from marasmus
on admission; she had septic scarlet fever and died within 4 days.
The fourth case was a man aged 33 years who was admitted in the
third week of disease suffering from acute nephritis. He developed
uraemia and died nine days after admission.
Seventy-nine patients were in residence at the beginning of
1931, and 447 cases, notified as diphtheria, were admitted during
the year. Three hundred and twenty-seven of these proved to be
suffering from the disease, making a total of 406 cases under
treatment. Of these, 355 were discharged recovered, 10 died,
and 41 remained under treatment at the end of the year.
Of the 355 cases discharged, 38 had laryngeal diphtheria, 43
suffered only from nasal diphtheria, and 5 were cases of otorrhoea
with positive swabs.