London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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treatment. Of these, 86 were discharged, recovered, and 19
died, giving a fatality rate of 18.09 per cent. The fatal cases
were all children under 5 years of age, and as only severe cases
with complications were admitted, the fatality rate was high,
Tracheotomy was performed in three of the fatal cases for
ulceration of the larynx. Seven cases notified as Scarlet Fever,
and six as Diphtheria, proved after admission to be suffering
from Measles, and 15 patients in the Hospital were infected by
these cases.
Whooping Cough.—This disease was very prevalent
throughout the year, and severe cases were admitted as accommodation
became available. The total number of cases
under treatment was 44. Of these '26 were discharged recovered,
15 died, and 3 remained in residence at the end of the
year. Thirteen of the fatal cases were children under three
years of age, and two were between four and five years. The
fatality rate was 34.09 per cent.
In 21 cases the disease was present as a complication with
other infections as follows: —
Whooping Cough with Scarlet Fever 5 cases.
,, ,, ,, Diphtheria 4 ,,
,, ,, ,, Measles 12 ,,
Chickenpox.—Eleven cases were under treatment during
the year. Two of these were of a severe type, but no complications
occurred, and there were no deaths. The disease
was present in combination with Diphtheria in two cases, and
with one case of Scarlet Fever.
Pneumonia.—Twenty-four cases of Pneumonia were under
treatment during the year. Of these 17 were discharged recovered,
and 7 died, giving a fatality rate of 29.16 per cent.
The fatal cases were all children under 5 years of age.
Other Diseases.—Under this group are classed diseases
which are not regularly admitted, and cases in which the
diagnosis was changed after admission. The following are
the diseases included in the group: —
Tonsillitis, 81; Enteritis, 5; Biliary Catarrh, 1; Bronchitis,
6; Cerebral Abscess, 1; Cerebro-spinal Meningitis, 1; Debility,
1; Encephalitis Lethargica, 4; Erysipelas, 8; Constipation, 1;
Gastritis, 2; Influenza, 1; Laryng'itis, 8; Quinsy, 6; Nephritis,