London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Sutton 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Sutton]

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Informal Sample - Chili Powder:
A sample of spices, garlic and salt which in the opinion of the Public
Analyst should be named either Compound Chili Powder or Mixed Spices and Salt.
The producer agreed to change the labelling of the article so as to
comply with the opinion of the Public Analyst.
Informal Sample-Food Colour:
The labelling of the container failed to comply with the colouring matter
in the Food Regulations 1966.
The manufacturers agreed to revise the labelling of the article so as to
comply with these Regulations.
Informal Sample - Fruit Salads:
A sample of pears, apricots, peaches, pineapple and cherries in syrup.
The Public Analyst stated that the proportions of the fruits failed to
agree with the Local Authorities Joint Advisory Committee on Food Standards
Code of Practice No. 4.
The information was forwarded to the canners, who are a Spanish Company.
Informal Sample-Instant Low Fat Milk:
A sample of skimmed milk powder containing 1 per cent. of milk fat.
In the opinion of the Public Analyst the labelling of the article did not
comply with the Dried Milk Regulations 1965.
The manufacturer has stated that they have now discontinued making this
Formal Sample-Outline Low Fat Spreads
A sample of an emulsion of oils or fats with water and other substances,
capable of being used for the same purposes as butter and containing water
55.9 per cento, oil or fat 40.7 per cent., salt 2.6 per cent.
A previous, informal, sample of this product was found to contain
similar percentages of the ingredients.
In the opinion of the Public Analyst the article came within the definition
of Margarine contained in the Food Standards (Butter and Margarine) Regulations
1955ยป and should, therefore, not contain more than l6 per cent. of water. Also,
the labelling of the article failed to comply with the Labelling of Food Order
However, after considering information supplied by the manufacturers, the
legal officers of the Council advised against the taking of legal proceedings.
Informal Sample-Wrapped Malt Cakes:
A sample of a fruit malt loaf.
In the opinion of the Public Analyst the article should be described as a
malt fruit loaf.
The bakers agreed to modify the labelling of the product to comply with the
opinion of the Public Analyst.
Informal Sample-Milk:
A sample of milk containing 3.55 per cent, of milk fat and 8.47 per cent. of
milk solids other than fat.
The Public Analyst stated that although the milk solids other than milk fat
content of the milk was slightly below that specified in the Sale of Milk
Regulations 1939, the Hortvet (freezing point) test did not indicate the presence
of added water.
The apparent deficiency was attributed to a normal seasonal variation.
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