London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Sutton and Cheam 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Sutton and Cheam]

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Closet Accommodation
There are eight premises with cesspools in use Some six
pail closets and one privy are in use
in the past 22 years, 159 premises, originally with cesspool
drainage, have been connected to sewers
Report of the Chief Sanitary Inspector Under Article 27 of the
Sanitary Officers (Outside London)Regulations 1935.
(Pages 8 to 25)
Record of Inspections and Notices Served.
Special Inspections Interviews and advisory visits 1,620
Reinspectlons 3,705
Visits to works in progress 1,073
„Factories/Workplaces 272
„ Bakehouses 32
„ Outworkers premises 76
„ Butchers, Grocers and other food premises 391
„Dairies and Milk Purveyors Premises 20
„ Ice Cream Premises 122
„ Stables/Passages/Pigstles/Ditches 24
„ Restaurant/Cafe and School Canteen kitchens 85
„ Premises re: rodent infestations 7,117
„ Tents/Vans/Sheds 5
„ Cinemas/Theatres/Halls 17
„ Premises re: infectious diseases 239
„ Premises re overcrowding and permitted numbers 408
„ Premises re. food complaints (Shops and Houses) 247
„ Barbers and Hairdressers Premises 61
„ School and public conveniences 38
„ Verminous houses 15
„ Shops under the Shops Acts 240
„ re the taking of Food and Drug Samples 191
„ re: the taking of Bacteriological Milk/Water Samples 93
„ re: the taking of Bacteriological Samples of icecream 100
„ re: Smoke Observations 2
Miscellaneous Visits 2,590
Total 18,783
Number of complaints received and investigated 663
Premises at which defects or nuisances were discovered 1,906
Dwelling-houses surveyed for housing defects under the
Public Health or Housing Acts 310
Number of defects or nuisances discovered 2,782
„ „ „ remedied 2.116
„ „ „ in hand 124
outstanding 542
Number of informal notices served 1,294
Statutory Notices were served as unders:Housing
Act 1936 Sections 9 and 10
(as. amended by the Housing Act 1949) 33
Public Health Act 1936, section 24 40
„ „ „ „ 39 12
„ „ „ „ 45 4
„ „ „ „ 75 10
8 Total 99