London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Sutton and Cheam 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Sutton and Cheam]

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Bye-laws as to the business of Hairdreseor and Barber
became operative on 1st January, 1948.
National Health Servioe Act, 1946.
Sec, 26. Vaccination and Immunisation,
The Council approved that the Medical Officer of Health for
the Borough should act as agent for the County Medical Officer
of Health in the administration of these servioes as from
5th July, 1948,
Sec. 27, Ambulanoe Services,
The Council's Ambulance Service was transferred to the
administrative control of the Surrey County Council on
5th July, 1948.
Naticnal Assistance Act, 1948,
Sec, 47, Removal of persons in need of care and attention.
A Court Order was secured and applied in November, 1948,
for the removal of a woman, aged 60 years, suffering from
mental depression and living in insanitary circumstances, to
residential accommodation provided by the Surrey County Council
at The Oaks, Dorking Road, Epsom, After the period of three
months prescribed, the patient was discharged is being
recovered and fit to lead a normal life, but the return to her
former environment has reacted unfavourably,
Sec. 50, Burial or cremation of the dead.
Five burials were arranged under the powers granted to the
Council by this section,
Arrangements were continued for the use of the laboratory at
Sutton and Cheam Hospital, which has provided an efficient and
convenienc Public Health Laboratory service for many years.
Supplementary service has been provided at the Public Health
Laboratory, Epsom, but its use is limited owing to the distance
from the Borough,
During 1948, ninety-six bodies were received, and ninety-six
post mortem examinations were made. The mortuary premises and
equipment, which includes a three body refrigerated chamber, have
been well maintained,
Details of Clinics available for the district are given at
the end of this Report,