London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Brentford and Chiswick 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Brentford and Chiswick]

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By the courtesy of the School Medical Officer particulars
regarding the cleanliness surveys in schools have been obtained and
are as follows : 7
Number of children examined s-
Primary Schools 14,567
Secondary Modern Schools 4,265
Number of children requiring treatment 118
Number of children in respect of whom cleansing
notices were issued 48
Number of children cleansed by Local Health
Authority 25
There was an increase of 750 in the total number of
cleanliness inspections but a drop in the number of children who had
become infested with head lice, from 149 in 1952 to 118 in 1953.
The figures are showing an improvement each year which is
extremely satisfactory, but a comparison with the figures for the
whole of the County shows that of total inspections throughout the
year, the percentage of children found unclean was o55 while in
Brentford and Chiswick the percentage was 1o6.
During the year, applications were received for the cleansing of
3 verminous persons The treatments were carried out at Hammersmith
Cleansing Station by arrangement with the Medical Officer of Health
of Hammersmith.
The rise in the total number of notifications during 1953 was
Principally occasioned by the higher incidence of measles and
whooping cough. The type of measles was mild with no deaths occurring.
There was one death from whooping cough - an infant of 2 months.
6 notifications of poliomyelitis were received during the year.
These were all confirmed as poliomyelitis, 3 non-paralytic, 3 paralytic.
one death occurred from this disease.
Up to date information regarding these cases and those
Poliomyelitis cases noted in previous years as still showing residual
Paralysis is as follows.
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