London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Brentford and Chiswick 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Brentford and Chiswick]

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The survey of Garavans and Moveable Dwellings commenced in
1949 was completed during 1950. A total of 20 barges and houseboats
and 47 caravans were inspected.
The majority of the dwellings were found to have suitable and
sufficient water supply, arrangements for refuse disposal and sewage
disposal and to be in all respects suitable as temporary dwellings,
though a number of them were not to be recommended for permanent
accommodation for families with children. Where application for
rehousing had been made by occupants this could be supported in many
cases by the Health Committee on the grounds of Statutory
overcrowding according to housing standards. (No definition has
ever been laid down of the space requirements in dwellings of this
type). Subsequently 4 families overcrowded in this way were rehoused,
while 12 remain to be rehoused.
The Committee was asked to pay special attention to the
conditions obtaining at Workhouse Dock, the dwellings there had no
individual water supply, no arrangements for refuse collection, and
there is no doubt that some of the sewage disposal is by tipping into
the Dock. A bacteriological examination of the Dock water gave the
following result
Sample Uo. Plate Count Goliforma Type
Workhouse Dock Over 1800 plus B. Coli II
East 5 million and
B. Pyocyaneus
Workhouse Dock Over 1800 plus Faecal Type 1
West 5 million
Botli unsatisfactory.
Under Town and Country Planning it is likely that action will be
taken for the total removal of all caravans in the Borough„
The nuisance at Workhouse Dock has not been abated as it has beet
impossible to ascertain the rightful owner of this property and it is
still necessary to decide on the correct legal action to be taken.
Observations have continued and the tenants warned of the risk
they are taking if they persist in fouling the Dock waters. It is
hoped that stronger action can be taken before long.