London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hounslow 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hounslow]

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stocks to be withdrawn from the premises in
question and warning letters were sent to the
A sample of Chicken and Mushrooms in
Savoury Sauce was found upon analysis to
contain 30% meat deficient of the legal
standard of 40%. After discussion the manu
facturers withdrew all stocks from the market,
A sample of Indian tonic water was found
to contain 0.33 grains per pint of quinine
sulphate deficient of the legal standard of 0.5
grains Further samples were taken but these
did not reveal a similar deficiency
Several samples of flavoured yoghurts were
taken from a local manufacturer four of which
were found to contain benzoic acid and three
contained sorbic acid contrary to the Preservatives
in Food Regulations, These are technical
offences and legal action was not considered
appropriate, The addition of these preservatives,
which were contained in the added fruit,
although not permitted by the regulations
created an anomaly which is at present being
considered by the Food Additives and
Contaminants Committee of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Two samples of cheese were found to be
deficient of the legal standards for fat content
one of which is no longer available and the
other was found to comply after the attention
of the Swiss manufacturers had been drawn to
the deficiency.
Two samples of an almond flavour drink
were found to contain excess quantities of
sacchain a warning letter was sent to the
A sample of banana svrup, upon analysis
was found to contain less than 1% fruit and
the manufacturers adopted after discussion
an alternative description including the word
flavour ,
A sample of margarine and a sample of
milk powder were found to contain a small
amount of excess moisture Further samples
were taken. No similar deficiency was found.
A sample of mustard oil was found to
contain less thai 2% mustard and a warning
letter was sent to the manufacturer,
A sample of Bordeaux wine was found to
contain 530 parts per million of sulphur
dioxide in excess of the legal maximum of
450 parts per million. The manufacturers were
contacted and the product was withdrawn from
Food samples found to be inaccurately labelled.
Twenty samples submitted to the analyst
revealed labelling omissions and included four
samples which did not have the name and
address of the manufacturer packer or importer
on the label and the remainder related to
omissions in the list of ingredients, Typical
examples include the presence of undeclared
mineral oils preservatives and mineral hydrocarbons.
These are technical offences and in
each case the manufacturers have agreed to
amend their labels following informal discussions.
Drug samples found to be deficient of legal
Eleven samples were found to be deficient.
Ten of these were due to contraventions of the
Pharmacy and Medicines Act which requires
preparations recommended as a medicine to
have stated upon them a list of the active
ingredients, eight of these contraventions
were in respect of sun tan preparations which
claimed healing or soothing properties and two
were of talcum powder claiming similar
One sample of halibut liver oil capsules
was found to be deficient of the stated amount
of Vitamin A containing 1500 units per capsule
and claiming the presence of 4500 units.
Further investigation revealed the manufacturer
to have gone out of business and no further
supplies were available
Consumer complaints
Twenty samples were sent to the analyst
following consumer complaints. Eight of these
were bread and included
A loaf affected by moulds a warning letter was
sent to the vendor