London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Feltham 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Feltham]

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There were no large manufacturers of ice cream in
the area, the majority of retailers purchased their ice
cream from outside sources and only a very small number
made their own.
Food Premises
During the year the Council made byelaws with
regard to the handling, wrapping and delivery of food
and the sale of food in the open air, and towards the end
of the year a start was made towards the regular
periodical visiting of all food premises including the food
stores of hawkers of foodstuffs. A circular letter was
sent to all the food traders with regard to the coming
into operation of the new food byelaws and their
co-operation was sought to improve their premises where
necessary and to give effect to the new byelaws, but much
remains to be done and I am convinced that if the department
can maintain regular visits to these premises the
best and most lasting results will be obtained.
Rodent Control
Rodent destruction in accordance with the methods
advocated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
was continued. The annual test baiting of the Council's
sewers showed slight infestation in small areas and this
was dealt with. The Council refuse tip is kept under
observation and any signs of rat activity dealt with
Increasing opposition was displayed by owners who
received notices requiring them to supply new dustbins
and in one case a large property-owning company took
an appeal against a notice from the Council to the Court
of Quarter Sessions where the appeal was upheld and the
Council involved in heavy legal expenses. After a good
deal of consideration the Public Health Committee
recommended and the Council adopted a, scheme to
supply all residential properties in the district with dustbins
free of charge, the cost of the scheme to be included
in the general rate.