London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wanstead and Woodford 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wanstead and Woodford]

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The survey, carried out by the Public Health Inspectors, showed
that the present annual consumption of bituminous coal amounted
to 1,675 tons of which 275 tons were used on the central heating
plant of a large block of flats, and 100 tons on small house boilers,
etc. The remainder, i.e., 1,300 tons, was burnt on open fires.
1,184 new appliances would be required including 1,138 open
fires, 37 open fires with boilers, 3 gas or electric cookers and 6
wash-boilers. In addition 1,194 gas points are required.
It is estimated that the total cost of adapting or altering fireplaces
will be £14,777.
In connection with the figure of 1,300 tons of bituminous coal
at present used in the area it is interesting to note the results of an
investigation carried out by the British Coal Utilisation Research
Association which showed that every 100 lbs. of coal burnt in an
open domestic fire emits into the atmosphere from 2½ to 5 lbs. of
smoke. Taking the lower figure of 2½ lbs. per 100 lbs. of coal, the
weight of smoke emitted in the area is of the order of 32½ tons
per year.
The Smoke Control Order was made by the Council in December,
and submitted to the Minister for confirmation. It was hoped to
make the date of operation 1st November, 1960, but a few objections
to the Order and a subsequent Public Inquiry has meant
that it will not be possible to adhere to this date.
The Council have been represented on the Joint Conference of
Local Authorities in S.W. Essex by the Chairman of the Public
Health Committee, Medical Officer of Health and the Smoke
Control Officer.
Two meetings were held during the year one at Walthamstow
and the other at East Ham.
It is clear that surrounding boroughs with one exception, are
taking steps to implement the Clean Air Act and declare smoke
control areas.
The Chairman of the Public Health Committee and Smoke
Control Officer are the Council's representatives on the Standing
Conference of Co-operating Bodies of the Department of Scientific
and Industrial Research. Two meetings were held during the year,
one in London and the other at the Warren Spring Laboratories,
Stevenage, at which technical lectures and discussions took place.
The measurement of Smoke and SO2 by daily volumetric
instruments at the Municipal Offices and Oak Hall Court, Wanstead,
continued during the year.