London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wanstead and Woodford 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wanstead and Woodford]

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Chairman: County Councillor Mrs. E. F. M. Hollis.
Vice-Chairman: Councillor J. W. R. Nation (Chingford Borough Council).
Chingford Borough Council: Councillor J. W. R. Nation.
Councillor Dr. J. Wagstaff.
Alderman Mrs. S. L. Oakes.
Wanstead and Woodford Borough: Councillor R. A. Dalton.
Councillor E. H. Day.
Alderman A. H. Southam.
Councillor F. B. Baverstock.
Chigwell U.D.C.: Councillor G. P. Guyatt.
Councillor W. A. Nicholls, J.P.
Councillor Mrs. L. M. Scott.
Epping U.D.C.: Councillor C. G. Lowe.
Councillor Mrs. F. M. Pollitt.
Waltham Holy Cross U.D.C.: Councillor Mrs. M. Bird.
Councillor D. Harvey.
EPping R.D.C.: Councillor Mrs. H. Howard.
Councillor A. F. Joseph, M.A.
Hospital Management Committee: W. F. Erskine, M.A., M.D., D.P.H.
Executive Council for Essex: G. F. Deeth, Esq., M.P.S.
Local Medical Committee for Essex: Dr. H. Grylls.
Essex County Council: Alderman C. E. S. Blackmore.
Alderman C. W. Fisher.
Councillor K. E. B. Glenny.
Councillor Mrs. E. F. M. Hollis.
Councillor P. Porter.
Alderman F. D. Smith, J.P.
Councillor K. Stonebank.
Local District Nursing Association: Mrs. J. Swire.
Miss H. M. Mathieson.
British Red Cross and
St. John Ambulance Organisations: Mrs. M. Mackenzie Brown.
Tuberculosis After-Care Associations: Councillor Mrs. V. P. C. Forbes.