London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wanstead and Woodford 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wanstead and Woodford]

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The technique is different from poisoning with arsenic and zinc
Phosphide; Warfarin can be used for direct poisoning — pre-baiting is not
necessary, it is used dry because it has to be left for relatively long periods,
and in order to obtain a thorough mix it is mixed by the manufacturers
with fine oatmeal as a master-mix, and when being used this master-mix is
diluted in medium oatmeal in the proportion of 5 per cent. by weight.
As with all poisons, care has to be exercised, particularly when other
animals are about, although considerable quantities would have to be eaten
before any of the larger mammals or chickens would be harmfully affected.
Hospitals—The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries issued a circular
in December, 1951, pointing out that Hospitals are Crown property and
are therefore immune from the provisions of the Prevention of Damage
by Pests Act, 1949. Nevertheless the Minister of Health has requested
Boards to conform with the requirements of Part I of the Act.
The Boards and Committees were being asked by the Ministry of
Health to invite Local Authorities to inspect periodically the premises under
their control and advise any necessary action. So far no invitation has been
received from the local Hospital Boards and Committees, and one can only
conclude that they are satisfied that rats do not exist on their premises.
The Council's refuse tips were watched but no major infestation was
observed, as the tips are well supervised and refuse covered so as to prevent
any nuisance.
surface treatment:
The following table shows the result of the year's work.
Number of inspections made by the Sanitary Inspectors 129
Complaints received 290
Retreatments 16
Total Premises visited 282
Number of baiting points 2,698
Rats found dead 79
The Council's sewers were treated twice during the year, the results
being tabulated form in this report. This treatment was again
supervised by the Deputy Senior Sanitary Inspector.