London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wanstead and Woodford 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wanstead and Woodford]

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Section A. Statistics and Social Conditions of the Area
Area (in acres) 3,824
Population—Registrar-General's estimate mid-year 1947 60,280
Registrar-General's estimate mid-year 1946 57,570
Rateable value £594,027
represented by penny rate (1947-48) £2,392
Extracts from Vital Statistics of the Year
Live Births:
Legitimate Males 605 Females 562 Total 1,167
Illegitimate Males 19 Females 13 Total 32
Total Males 624 Females 575 Total 1,199
Birth-rate per 1,000 of the estimated resident population—19.8
Legitimate Males 14 Females 14 Total 28
Illegitimate Males — Females 1 Total 1
Total Males 14 Females 15 Total 29
Rate per 1,000 total (live and still) births—23.6
Males — 321. Females — 339. Total — 660.
Death-rate per 1,000 of the estimated resident population— 10.9
Deaths from puerperal causes:—
Puerperal and post-abortion sepsis Nil
Other maternal causes 1
Total 1
Rate per 1,000 total (live and still) births 0.8
Deaths of Infants under one year of age:—
All infants per 1,000 live births 30.8
Legitimate infants per 1,000 legitimate live births 29.9
Illegitimate infants per 1,000 illegitimate live births 62.5
1947 1946
deaths from Cancer 125 124
„ „ Measles Nil 1
„ „ Whooping Cough 2 Nil
„ „ Diarrhoea (under 2 years of age) 2 4
„ „ Road Traffic Accidents 6 8
„ „ Suicide 7 7
„ „ Other violent causes 16 8