London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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The Exhibition, which included demonstrations of the work
of the Public Health Department and of the Guild, and a
continuous film show, was officially opened by Dr. H. Kenneth
Cowan, County Medical Officer, and was visited by approximately
1000 people, including canteen workers and organised
parties of (250) secondary school children. Prizes of £2. 2. 0d.,
and £1. 1. 0d.. were awarded for the best two essays submitted
by schoolchildren.
The Exhibition cost approximately £100 (including publicity)
of which £24 was reimbursed by the Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries.
Despite the campaign, I am still far from satisfied with the
general standard of hygiene in food shops and cafes. All
employers must surely know by now that the regular manipulation
of "ready-to-eat" food with the naked hands is abhorrent
to the discerning consumer, and dangerous to all; yet it
is still rare to see tongs, scoops and paper in regular use. It
is intended to offer facilities through the Guild for holding
lectures for food handling personnel during 1952, and it is hoped
that the direct approach may lead to an improvement in
In the statistical tables which follow, births and deaths
have been, corrected for "inward" and "outward" transfers, i.e.,
they refer only to persons who normally reside in the district,
and they include all births and deaths among them wherever
occurring. Infectious diseases, however, are allocated to the
District in which they arise, irrespective of the place of normal
residence of the patient. All rates and figures include
members of the armed forces stationed in the area.
In conclusion, I would again like to record my appreciation
to the Chairman and Members of the Public Health Committee
for their support and to the staff of the Public Health Department
for their help and co-operation during the year. For the
statistical information which the Area Health and Divisional
Educational Departments of the County Council have provided
for this report, grateful acknowledgements are also made.
H. FRANKS, M.B., B.S., B.Hy., D.P.H.,
Medical Officer of Health.
July, 1952.