London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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Number recalled for further investigation: 76.
The following findings were later confirmed:—
Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Discovered:—
Active Primary Nil
Active Post-primary 1
Inactive Primary 35
Inactive Post-primary 25
Other Interesting Abnormalities Discovered:—
Pneumonitis 3
Bronchiectasis 5
Pleural effusion 1
Cardiovascular lesions—
Congenital 2
Acquired 7
Dextrocardia 1
Transposed Viscera 1
Arrangements for further sessions held on the Hainault
Estate early in 1952 were also completed.
During the year a voluntary scheme for the vaccination of
susceptible children of school leaving age against tuberculosis
(with B.C.G. vaccine) was introduced by arrangement between
the Essex County Council and the Medical Research
Council. The response was good, and a large number of children
have now been immunised, though details of results are
not yet available.
It will be seen (Section D) that considerable progress has
been made in re-housing both by the Chigwell Urban District
Council and the London County Council.
The special housing needs of old people are of particular interest
at present. The provision of cheap and convenient
houses or hostels, combined with the minimum of supervision
and domiciliary service, enables the old folk to carry on much
longer without the need for expensive (and unpopular) institutional
care. It is therefore satisfactory to note that 210
Old People's Dwellings (including L.C.C.) have been erected
in the District since the war, and further homes and hostels
for old people are contemplated in our own future schemes.