London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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Under Public Health Acts.
Number of houses inspected 188
Visits paid to above houses 574
Under Housing Acts.
Number of houses inspected 82
Visits paid to above houses 736
Number of houses inspected 3
Visits paid to above houses 2
Filthy or Verminous Premises
Number of houses inspected 19
Visits paid to above houses 15
Miscellaneous Housing Visits 491
Infectious Disease.
Inquiries in cases of infectious disease 183
Visits re disinfection 14
Miscellaneous Infectious Disease visits 334
Meat and Food Inspection.
Visits to Slaughterhouses 49
„ „ Butchers 176
„ Dairies & Milk Distributors 31
„ „ Fishmongers & Poulterers 53
„ „ Grocers 143
„ „ Greengrocers & Fruiterers 39
„ „ Ice Cream Premises 63
„ „ Restaurants 86
Miscellaneous Food Visits 137
Visits in connection with Food and
Drug samples 57
Total 8,407
House refuse was collected under the supervision of the
Engineer and Surveyor, Mr. G. Holbourn, A.M. Inst.C.E.
(Signed) W. H. DIGWEED, A.R.San.I., M.S.I.A.
Senior Sanitary Inspector.